January 7, 2017


Hello. Welcome to little bit of sunshine. I am so excited (and maybe just a wee bit nervous) about starting this blog.
I started this blog to help other teenage girls with their walk with the Lord. I pray that the Lord will use this blog to bring honor and glory to Him!

I will be posting about a ton of stuff. Just a few things:
Book Reviews
What I Wore


I came up with the name little bit of sunshine, because my Dad calls me Madelyn Sunshine (pronounced Madeline Sunshine)!

I hope when you read this blog it will bring a little bit of sunshine in your life!

Thank you so much for looking at my blog!

- Maddy.png


  1. Yay for starting a blog, Maddy! Looking forward to reading your posts!
    Thanks so much for the comments you leave on my blog. I love hearing from my readers! ♡

  2. Aww!! Thank you! :) And I love your blog!

  3. Tabitha1/11/2017

    Maddy I'm excited for this new venture you have started! Thank you for trying to be a light to others....looking forward to reading your blog!
    P.S.- I think your best friend is pretty special too! :)


  4. Thank you so much Mrs Tabitha!! I'm really excited too!

  5. Teresa Davis1/16/2017

    Thank you for inviting me to read your blog. I am excited for you and how God will use this. I know I am blessed by knowing you and your family. Looking forward to reading everything.

  6. Thank you so much Mrs. Davis! I appreciate your sweet comment. :)


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