April 17, 2017

my testimony // how I got saved

my testimony 1

I was saved at the age of five on November 13, 2005!
When I was five, my Mama was one of my church primary teachers. On the Sunday I was saved, I was the only student in the class. Mama taught about Jesus dying on the cross and being raised up from the dead the third day. I had heard that story quite a few times, but something finally clicked within me, and I realized that Jesus had died for me. Me.
I realized that I was a sinner. So I got down on my knees and prayed and asked God to forgive me of my sins. I asked Him to wash me clean from all my sin, make me a new creature and to save me.
After I finished praying, I felt so different! I was so happy! :) After the church service was over, I ran into the church, gave my Daddy a hug and told him what had happened. He, and the rest of my church family were very excited!

I would love to hear your testimony, so leave a comment below!

- maddy




What is your testimony?



  1. Thank you so much for giving your testimony!

    I was saved on May 27, 2006 and I was six! :) We were at one of the churches we were visiting while on debutation and Olivia helped me! I too ran to Daddy and told him! :)


  2. That's wonderful Rosalyn!!
    Thank you so much for sharing your testimony!!! I really enjoyed reading it!

  3. Maddy, this is seriously such a cute story! (:


  4. Thank you for commenting, Vanessa!!! :D

  5. Thank you so much for your testimony! It really blessed me and made me cry happy tears. I got saved when I was nine!

    1. I'm so glad it was a blessing to you, Beth!! I'm so happy that you were saved at an early age as well!


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