February 26, 2018

My Thoughts On "When All Else Fails, Try God."

You may have heard of the saying, "When all else fails, try God." Well, today I'm going to be talking about that.

So first off, I want to ask you, do YOU see anything wrong with that saying? It IS kind of catchy and I know when I first heard it I immediately agreed with it. But as I got to thinking about it, I realized there was something VERY wrong with it. Let me explain.
Some people try practically EVERYTHING when they're in trouble, and when everything they try doesn't seem to work, they finally try Jesus. That's the only time they think they need him. When they're in trouble. And that's not how it should be at all. That's what that saying means to me. When all else fails (after they've tried everything) try God. That's part of the trouble the world is in. They're trying everything else first and trying God last. It shouldn't be like that.
We shouldn't be the kind of Christians to only call on God when we need help. I'm not at all saying that we CAN'T call on God when we need Him, but that shouldn't be the only time we call on Him.

       "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you."   
- 1 Peter 5:7

God cares and He wants us to call on Him. He loves to fellowship with his children so we should love to fellowship with Him too. And we shouldn't want to fellowship with Him ONLY when we're in trouble.

We should turn to God first. He definitely won't fail us, and then we won't have to go through the trouble of everything else failing us. Why use God as our last option?

I know this was a very short, but I wanted to share my thoughts with y'all.

What are YOUR thoughts on this? Do you agree or disagree? What have you been thinking about lately?


  1. Wow, I never thought of that quote like this! Looking at it deeper, I can totally see what you're saying -- God isn't just a "plan B" when the original plan doesn't work out; He should be with us always. From the first moment we try something, we should be asking for His help, even if we don't think we need it yet. But the truth is that we ALWAYS need it.

    Thank you for such a thought-provoking post!

    audrey caylin

    1. Yes. Even when things seem to be going well, we should ask Him to guide and direct us. We ALWAYS need His help.

      Thank you for reading and commenting, Audrey!

  2. Ooh yes. I don't actually think I've ever actually thought of the quote this way, but I like to think that it's something that non-Christians use? Like if they are in trouble, they turn to God, which is kind of comforting? That they know that there is a God that can help them? But you're right--God should be our first resort always!

    1. I completely understand what you're saying. Thank you so much for your comment! :)

  3. Great post, Maddy! I totally agree with you! Thanks for sharing from your heart with us ��


    1. Thank you so much, Alyssa! <3 I'm happy you enjoyed it!

  4. Amen! So powerful. I've never even seen this blog before and I already like it.
    It's so sad how so many people are like that these days. Even us Christians. We try everything in our own power and to do things ourselves and our way but we only turn to Jesus as a last resort. He shouldn't be our last resort - He shouldn't be a 'resort' at all!
    Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your day! ;)

    1. Welcome to the blog, Grace!
      I'm happy I was able to share the post! Blessings to you as well :)

    2. I tagged you! http://blog.hellandfamily.com/DontYouKnowThatImSinging/post/2018/03/01/An-Average-Day-Tag

    3. Oh ok! Thanks!

  5. Yes! I hate this saying for this very reason! If we only come to God when we are struggling, when things aren't going away... that's not faith. That's human selfishness and greed, and it's so saddening to think we would view God that way! Thank you for sharing <3!

    1. Thank you so much for reading and commenting, Bri <3

  6. I agree with you completely. God should be our first, not our last. He should be the one we turn to with thanks and praise as well as our troubles and fears. Great pot. Also, thank you for following my blog. That means a lot to me. :D

    ~Ivie|Ivie Writes

    1. Thank you SO MUCH, Ivie!! And you are so welcome! I've really enjoyed reading your posts so far :D

  7. Rosalyn Rooney3/06/2018

    That saying sounds vaguely familiar! Everything you mentioned is so true! :) Why wait until the last resort to ask God for help?! He wants us to come at the very beginning of our struggles - and even before that!

    1. Thank you SO MUCH for reading and commenting, Rosalyn!!


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