It's been crazy busy around here with house cleaning, school work, Mama's business (moving and repurposing furniture) and just life in general. The family has been battling with sickness a lot lately. We just cant seem to get rid of it. Kristen is sick now. Hopefully we'll all be better soon and won't get sick for a while :)

Jason gave me another photography lesson last week. He taught me about shutter speed. He gave me an assignment to take a picture of the stars over our lake. I tried it a few nights back because the stars were out really bright, but I guess I didn't have it set very well. Jason told me to raise my ISO and set my shutter speed to 25 secs. I'll have to try it again really soon and maybe this time it will turn out better.

I finally got myself a lens cap! I'm real happy about that! :) And Jason bought me an eye piece for my camera since my camera didn't come with it. I didn't even know there was supposed to be an eye piece when I bought it. Oh well. Thank you Jason for buying me one! (He's so sweet :) )

Daddy and I took Thomas to the vet this morning. He has lost a lot of weight and he can't walk right. The vet took some blood work to see if he had a virus. They said if he did they would have to put him down. Thankfully he didn't have a virus, but he has to stay overnight while they take some more tests. I pray that he'll get better and he'll be back home with us before too long.

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